Work with Me: How gender intelligence can help you succeed at work and in life, John Gray, Barbara Annis
Condition: VERY GOOD
Edition/Year: 2013
Publisher: Piatkus
Pages: 260
Format: Paperback
Despite the strenuous efforts to give women equal status in the workplace over the last few decades, tension between the sexes in the workplace remains as rampant as ever: during exit interviews many women, often leaving to start their own businesses, cite feeling undervalued or unappreciated at the office. Despite countless company initiatives, equality protocols, and gender seminars we have made little significant advancement. So why can't the sexes work together?
In this groundbreaking new book, Annis and Gray, two of the world's luminaries in gender awareness, tackle that question and construct practical solutions. The previous, unsuccessful attempts to achieve gender equality involved treating women as men - denying gender differences. Annis and Gray, however, make the unprecedented argument that gender should be embraced, not just tolerated: that, biologically, men and women are designed to complement each other. After systematically identifying and eliminating gender misconceptions, Annis and Gray outline a revolutionary system where gender differences promote synergy and produce rewarding careers. Already their system has grandly impacted such prominent companies as American Express, IBM, and Microsoft. It is based on the results of 20 years of in-depth surveys of over 100,000 men and women in blue-chip companies around the world, which will be revealed in this book for the first time, and incorporates incontrovertible scientific data and organizational studies.