Through Gates of Fire, Martin Bell
Title: Through Gates of Fire
Condition: GOOD
Author/s: Martin Bell
Edition/Year: 2004
Publisher: Phoenix
Pages: 248
Format: Paperback
Category: Nonfiction / War / Current Affairs / Journalism
About the Book:
In the First World War 90 per cent of casualties were soldiers; in recent wars 90 per cent are civilians. But instead of bringing home the real human costs of war, the advent of ‘live’ conflict coverage has led to television being used as another tool for propaganda.
In this heartfelt and impassioned overview, Martin Bell uses his personal experiences as a reporter of eleven wars and an independent MP to show how war, politics and journalism have changed beyond all recognition in the past thirty years. As Kofi Annan said, we have entered the 21st century ‘through gates of fire’ and now is the time for a stark reappraisal of the world we are creating.