Ramses, The Lady of Abu Simbel, Christian Jacq
Condition: WELL READ
Publisher: Pocket Books
Publication date: 2004
First published 1998
Format: Paperback
Pages: 370
Ramses #4
About the Book:
Despite the tremendous shock of the Battle of Kadesh, Ramses has not managed to bring the formidable Hittite Empire to its knees. But rather than continue the struggle, he decides to engage in negotiation. For in Ramses’ life the love he bears, the Great Royal Consort Nefertari easily surpasses his enjoyment of the challenges of war.
To show his love for Nefertari to the world Ramses decides to offer her the most fabulous gift of gifts: At Abu Simbel, two temples will be erected, symbols of their eternal love.
But Meanwhile, shadows are gathering, from Nubia to the pharaoh's own capital, Pi-Ramsey's. There Ramses must confront Moses, the childhood friend he had lost sight of so many years before, who has returned to Egypt to demand the freeing of his Hebrew people.
Faced with these problems, will the vigilance of the Pharaoh’s loyal servants and the magic of Nefertari, the lady of Abu Simbel, be sufficient to protect the Son of the Light?