Come to Grief / For Kicks, Dick Francis Omnibus
Condition: GOOD
Publisher: Pan
Publication date: 2006
First Published 1995 / 1965
Format: Paperback
Pages: 362
From the cover:
Sid Halley, the ex-champion jockey turned investigator who appears in Odds Against and Whip Hand, is back. In Come to Grief he faces new dangers, new deeply demanding decisions.
Sid has uncovered an obnoxious crime committed by a friend whom he – and everyone else – has held in deep affection. On the morning set for the opening of the friend’s trial, at which Sid is due to be called as a witness, other people’s miseries explode and send him spinning into days of hard rational detection and heart-searching torment.
Troubled, courageous and unwilling to admit defeat, for Sid Halley it is business as usual.
Common sense said the whole idea was crazy. . . but when he was offered huge sums of money to move to England and help the Earl of October uncover a suspected racehorse dope scandal, Danny Roke found the proposal intriguing.
Swapping his job as a proprietor of an Australian stud farm to work undercover as a stable hand in Yorkshire, Danny soon has his hands full. While the Earl’s attractive daughters Patricia and Elinor draw his attention, he finds himself ever more deeply involved with the vicious swindlers he is out to entrap. And if neither the money nor the swindle will keep his mind on the job, maybe the death of the Earl’s original investigator, Tommy Stapleton, will. . .